Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Ardisia japonica 'variegata'

(Ardisia japonica 'variegata')

One of my seven works plants is an Ardisia japonica 'variegata' plant that I bought in November. It is a lovely little variegated ardisia plant that has so far been doing well under the fluorescent lights in my office, having grown a few inches, and will hopefully continue to do well. If you look closely at the picture you will see some new growth coming up. If it continues doing well, I might even get it to bloom and produce some small fruit.

(Another view of my Ardisia japonica 'variegata')

I have been watering it about once per week, every now and then I let it get some direct sunlight for a couple of hours, and the humidity is low and this has not bothered it so far. Therefore, at the current moment, I will say that it is an easy houseplant to grow with relatively low sunlight and moderately light watering. If you are looking for another plant to add to your collection, an Ardisia japonica 'variegata' would be a great choice!

Photo Credits: Me.

1 comment:

  1. I have one too, exactly the same size. I put it at work for a month now and so far it is doing fine.
