Thursday, February 21, 2008

New African Violet ("Saintpaulia Ionantha")

(Our newest addition to our plant collection...)

We picked up this beautiful little African Violet on Wednesday night when we stopped by Home Depot. The temperature outside was about -10 degrees so we didn't really want to buy any plants, but we found this plant and couldn't resist it! I kept it inside my coat as we hurried to the car and luckily the car was still nice and warm from when we had used it before. There does not appear to be any damage to the plant and we are glad to have it as a new addition to our African Violet collection! The picture above shows the flower as being more pinkish in color, but during the day it looks mostly white.

Photo Credit: Me

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Very nice blog, and the photos are splendid! (I'll ask sometime else about the technical aspects of that)

    In your plant list I notice you have an Alocasia Amazonica 'Polly'. I'm thinking of getting one myself, and I have read about the technical difficulties. Now what about yours? Where do you keep it? What kind of light does it get?

    Many thanks!
