Friday, April 11, 2008

More Photographs from our trip to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum 2007: Part II

Here is the second part of the post on the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. I identified the plants I had not seen before. Enjoy!

(Sedum 'Neon')

(Impatiens auricoma 'Jungle Gold')

(Magnolia acuminata or Cucumber Tree)

(Rhus aromatica or Fragrant Sumac)

The next post will be about our visit to the Como Zoo Conservatory from last August with pictures of some more wonderful plants and some fantastic bonsai trees.

Photo Credits: All me


  1. I can't identify any of these either, but the pics are marvelous. The cucumber tree is kind of neat, I have never seen something like that before.

    Keep the pics coming.

  2. Great post Jordan! Are those magnolia seed pods? Magnolias have the most interesting looking seed pods.Mine look something like that, however not that color.
