Thursday, September 18, 2008

Aglaonema spp. ("Chinese Evergreen")

(Our Aglaonema 'Silver Bay')

Annah and I currently have two Aglaonema's (Aglaonemae?) at our house and they are two of our favorite plants. We have had them since early spring and they have been two of the easiest plants to take care of. The two different cultivars we have are an Aglaonema 'Emerald Beauty' and an Aglaonema 'Silver Bay'. The 'Emerald Beauty' was purchased at Lowe's, where we actually got this plant for free after the use of a coupon, and the 'Silver Bay' was purchased from Home Depot a few weeks later.

(Our Aglaonema 'Emerald Beauty')

Before the move to our own house, these Aglaonema's were growing in two different rooms of my parent's house, with the 'Emerald Beauty' growing in a warmer room, where the temperatures got up to as high as the upper 80's, and the 'Silver Bay' was in a room where the temperature only got up into the middle 70's. The humidity was usually around 50 to 60 percent for each plant and each received light from the afternoon sun. The new house has similar growing conditions for each plant so neither plant should be affected too much by the move. Each plant is watered every 7 to 10 days.

(Aglaonema 'Silver Bay' flower)

Both plants have bloomed since they were purchased. I have pictures from this summer when the 'Silver Bay' was blooming, and I thought I had pictures of the 'Emerald Beauty' flowering as well, but I cannot seem to find them.

(Aglaonema 'Silver Bay' flower and new leaf)

These plants have required very little grooming. The hardest job that I have had so far is removing the dead flower spaths from the plant. While these flowers add an interesting look to these plants, in the future I am considering whether or not I should remove the flowers right away so the plant does not have to waste energy on them.

Annah and I will be keeping our eyes open for any different or new cultivars that we can add to our plant collection since they are easy plants and they look good too!

For a more informative and wildly entertaining post on Aglaonema's, which also includes a lot of great pictures, you can check out this post at Plants Are The Strangest People!


  1. Your Aglaonema look really good. I just purchased one, a Aglaonema 'Silver Bay' for my bathroom. I had a 10 year old Dracaena Marginata that finally died off. I hope the Aglaonema lasts a long time. This is my first one.

  2. Hello Aiyana, thanks for the comment about my aglaonema. Your aglaonema should do well in your bathroom and should add a nice touch of green in there as well!

    I'm sorry to hear about your Dracaena marginata dying...I just bought one and I hope mine will last a long time!
