Friday, January 9, 2009

New Book: The Complete Houseplant Survival Manual

Annah gave me "The Complete Houseplant Survival Manual: Essential Gardening Know-How for Keeping (Not Killing) More Than 160 Indoor Plants" by Barbara Pleasant as a gift for Christmas this year. The book contains delightful photos and rather useful information for how to care for more than 160 indoor plants, and from what I have read so far contains information for about 80% of the houseplants I own.

I have not yet had the time to read through the entire book to see if all of the information is useful or 100% correct, not that I would necessarily know anyway. But when I have the chance to read the entire book I might just post a review of the book on here.

In other news, it seems like time has been flying by since I last posted on December 21st, with Christmas celebrations left and right, New Year's parties, being busy with work, and if that wasn't enough, I am finally getting healthy after having a very bad cold which started on New Year's Day! As a result of being healthy once again and being less busy with everything, Annah and I hope to start posting more regularly once again!

1 comment:

  1. Not much on houseplants, I do have three African Violets. Glad you are feeling better.
